Classical Binding.

The binding for the classical guitar came from a local luthier friend, I can’t remember what wood it is but it is not a common wood used for binding. It didn’t want to bend at all. I was in fact making a curve by bending a series of kinks into the wood. Obviously that was no good and I was getting a bit angry with myself for not being able to bend it. I think my aluminium-hot-air-blower bending iron is not getting hot enough. I think I will investigate my method a bit more and see if I can improve on things a bit.
I did manage in the end to get some light bends in the right places and managed to get the binding fitted. It is not as good a job as I wanted to do but it looks okay. You will be able to see what I mean by ‘light bends’ in the picture as I have only partly fitted the last piece of binding.

The binding is hardly noticeable when looking at the sides or back as it is only slightly darker in colour than the rosewood, of course it is very noticeable when looking at the sound board. I will not be removing the masking tape until tomorrow.

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